About Us

 "Case costa Toscana" was born in a particular moment of the tourist market. Even if the difficulties are raging at an international level, nothing can reduce the opportunities of our territory and of our level of reception. Based on these convictions, we at "Case costa Toscana" address ourselves to those who want to experience our sea and beyond, with the certainty that everything is peaceful and well organized. The thirty years of experience of our structure guarantees just this ... a "happy stay". Today the holiday takes on a pivotal role on a social and emotional personal level, a panacea, which we cannot give up. Assistance in all this "emotional sensorial" path is offered with professionalism and devotion and the sea, landscapes and walks, bathing facilities, apartments, B & Bs, hotels, restaurants, ice cream parlors, shops, entertainment venues , act as an amalgam to this path, all with the certainty of being in absolute hygienic safety. "Case costa Toscana" awaits you on social networks, and on its portals, to satisfy any type of information.

"Case costa Toscana", the pleasure of being tourism